Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Villa Muller - Drawing Presentation

Villa Muller - Model Photos

 A view of the north and east facades of the Villa Muller.

Having removed the roof, the internal structure of the upper floors are evident.

At times, the structure of the house and 1:50 model became rather complex. This highly simplified model was something to look at to regain focus and perspective on what I was trying to achieve in the model and drawings. It reflects the static bulkiness and exterior orthogonality of the Villa Muller.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Preliminary Sketches

With these two drawings, I was experimenting with the concept of positive and negative space through the use of black and white. Coupling this with more abstract sketches of external walls, internal walls and flow paths, a sense of the unique components of this building results.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Project 1 - Model and Drawing Development

In the coming days I will post photos showing the development of our group model as well as drawings